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Mothers Day around the world

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Mothers Day around the world

Mother’s Day is being celebrated in over 70 nations all around the globe. It is used to celebrate all of this special women in all of our lives. Even though there are many countries that celebrate Mother’s Day many other countries celebrate their own Mother’s Day at different times throughout the year.

For example the United Kingdom celebrates it on the fourth Sunday of Lent but in Norway it is celebrated on the second Sunday of February. In Egypt Mother’s Day is celebrated on the first day of spring. Besides the United States the Philippines, Japan, Denmark, Finland, Italy, turkey, Australia, and Belgium celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of May.

in Ethiopia Mother’s Day is celebrated with large feasting as well as singing and dancing. In Brazil Mother’s Day is the second biggest holiday with Christmas being the first . In Serbia they celebrate the entire family in the same month Mother’s Day is celebrated in December along with Father’s Day as well as Children’s Day. In Germany Mother’s Day is called mutur and is usually is also celebrated on the second Sunday in May unless it falls on Pentecost.

One of the most popular gestures for Mother’s Day is giving Mother’s Day cards. In Australia it is common tradition to give carnations chrysanthemums as well as other flowers. In  Sweden plastic flowers are sold on Mother’s Day and the money raised buying these plastic flowers is then used to help mothers and their children who are in need of help.

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