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How to get your pet to follow you

Play more worry less

How to get your pet to follow you

You put a treat in your pocket and go and see your pet. The pet sniffs a bit around you, then gets bored and goes and takes a nap. Yesterday, I went to do some testing that’s something like this. I went to a friend’s house because they have a pet, stuck a dog treat in my sock and headed over towards Bella the dog. I say “Bella! Over here!” and lift my sock up towards her nose. I start walking very slowly. She starts to sniff the ground. Seconds later, she starts following me! I walk around slowly about a couple minutes with her still following. Then, as I walk towards the stairs, something more interesting catches her eye and she leaves me and races over to the backyard. Flippysox thought it would be cool if you could put a treat in your pocket and run around with your pet following! This would give you and your pet good exercise! When you normally run with a dog or walk with one, do you keep running forever (if you wouldn’t get tired) No! Your dog would catch an interesting scent and rush over to it, pulling you back with them. Now, if you had a PetPoc (the possible name of the sock) your dog would follow you around wherever you go! Wait a second, how do you know your pet will follow you? My testing was okay, but didn’t work for very long. In my second segment of testing, I held the treat over my sock so that Bella could see it, she followed me around everywhere! That’s why if I am going to make this new product, I will have a netted pocket so the pet can see the treat! What do you think?

-Jordan W